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Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello There Mr. Scale...

Well, I knew this day would come. I could only use the "I'm pregnant" and "I just had a baby" excuses for so long - its time to buckle down and lose this weight. My rise to size was a slow one, but from my wedding until the morning I checked into L&D (exactly one year, as you all know) I gained 38 pounds. Holy crap. No matter how many times I check my math it comes out the same. In all reality, it could have been a whole lot worse, but there is nothing exciting about gaining weight. Since having Charlie, I've been able to lose almost 20 pounds (most of that being Charlie and all the good stuff in there with him), but for the past several weeks I've been at a stand still. Looks like these last pounds aren't going quietly.

So, back on Weight Watchers I go! Last night I had my first weigh in and last fast food meal for quite a while. When I first joined WW back in January 2008, it took me a year to lose 25 pounds that I had put on during graduate school thanks largely to stress and McDonald's sweet tea. Hopefully, it doesn't take me a year this time because I really miss wearing non-maternity clothes and my wedding rings. My goal is to be back to my goal weight of 130 pounds by my birthday. Totally doable....right?  >.<

1 comment:

  1. Oh, don't remind me. I gained around 60 pounds from the time I found out I was pregnant in April to the time I delivered on Dec. 14th. Currently, I've lost around 20 pounds, too. Let's see: I need to lose 40 pounds to get back to my pre-preggers weight. However, all I want to do is EAT. BF has turned me into a bottomless pit for grilled cheese, toast with srawberry preserves, cookies, and everything else in SIGHT.

    I've gained and lost this kind of weight before, but never through WW or exercising. I just drank until barfed most nights after I put on the weight in college -- didn't eat much -- and of course that is NOT the way I want to lose weight now.

    Good luck! You can do it.

    *McDonald's Sweet Tea IS really yummy...*
