I was sad to see that pretty much everything we had left over from C was expired, but then I realized it *had* been at least 18 months since we'd used any of it. The tackle box had transitioned from gripe water and teething gel to Boogie Wipes and band aids. Oh, how he's growing up! Now with #2 on the way, its time for a bit of reorganizing and restocking.
Here is my list of must have's for your 0-12 month tackle box...
- Infant acetaminophen/Tylenol
- Infant ibuprofen/Advil (for 6 months and up)
- Rectal thermometer and probe covers
- Gentle Naturals Teething Drops
As for the thermometer, there are lots and lots of fancy no touch thermometers out there, but we rely on a good ol' fashioned rectal therm for the most accurate reading. Especially with tiny ones, a few tenths of a degree can be the difference between Tylenol and the ER, so why not use the most accurate way you can? Scared of hurting baby? There are lots of safety rectal therms on the market that prevent inserting too far.
- Snot sucker
- Saline spray/drops
- Little Remedies Baby Rub
- Boogie Wipes
Tummy/Tushy Troubles
- Gas drops
- Gripe water
- Pedialyte
- Triple Paste
Now, bear with me - Triple Paste is crazy expensive for something that goes on your butt, but it is literally magic. The absolute worst diaper rash can be cleared up over night with a quick slathering. Just buy yourself a tub when your kid is born and it'll last until potty training.
With all the rest of the chemicals out there, I try to be very careful what I put on my kid's skin. These two products are some of my favorites. Healin' Groovy is basically Aquaphor without the petrolatum, BPA, and other not so great stuff. As for sunblock, read the labels! Sunscreen is different than sunblock and not all sunblock is created equal. Each year, the Environmental Working Group puts out a report called "Skin Deep" that ranks that year's sun products for hazardous chemicals. You will be shocked at how hazardous some "baby" sun products are. Shocked.
Much of what is in the 0-12 months tackle box is also in our toddler tackle box with a few additions...
- Floristor Probiotics (to avoid antibiotic induced diarrhea)
- Children's ibuprophen/Advil
- Children's acetaminophen/Tylenol
- Droppers and spoons (who knows what he'll accept that day)
- Little Remedies Honey Elixir cough syrup
- Sore throat pops
- Neosporin and character band-aids
- Tweezers (for splinters and what not)
- Red wash cloths

Some general tips...
- There is NO cough/cold medication out there safe for infants and young children. Basically, all you can do is suck the snot, turn up the humidifier, and keep them comfortable.
- Honey is a great cough soother, but only for kids over 12 months of age.
- The concentration of medication can be different depending on the brand (i.e. Triaminic vs. Tylenol vs. store brand). Each comes with its own dropper; use it.
- Baby Vicks/chest rub is very different than regular Vicks and yes it does matter.
- Put one parent in charge of medicating and write down dosing times to avoid over dosing and confusion.
This is so helpful! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome! :)
DeleteThis is such a great list. Thank you. I never thought of having it all organized in a tackle box. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteWe are taking our first real vacation since baby 2 was born. The kids will be 4 years and 12 months. I'm definitely packing a tackle box to be prepared while we're away from home. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteGreat tips! I wish I would have known about the red washcloth, your mom is a Genius!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great idea! I'll be making one but larger as we have a new baby on the the way and 6 more kids 13 on down. I can't believe I have never thought of using a tackle box. Everything will be right where we need it when we need it.
ReplyDeleteThis info and list is awesome. Good job and thank you!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea! My little one was sick last week and I was searching all over the house for the various supplies.
ReplyDeleteFever suppositories are great to when the can't seem to keep anything down.
ReplyDeleteVicks baby rub works great on the soles of feet (bigger pores) for a cough. Or even a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a carrier oil (olive, coconut, whatever,) if ya wanna avoid the petroleum. It's like magic!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the red washcloth reminder. I'd forgotten that one. :)
Where did you get the tackle box?
ReplyDeleteThis box was actually given to us as a random, "hey, we don't use this - could you use it for something?" but I've seen them on Amazon or at stores like WalMart or Target.
DeleteMy Mum did something similar, but on an adult scale, when I got married. She used a file box and decorated it with "Mum's Box of Things You'll Need, But Won't Want to Go Get". She filled it with all sorts of things, Tylenol, hot water bottle, heating pad, ice bags, assorted Band-Aids, Pepto Bismol, aspirin, cough syrup, a box of tissues, nose spray, and I forget what else (it's been 20 years). The cool thing was she started buying things a few at a time, so it didn't make a big dent in her weekly budget.
ReplyDeleteI just had my 3rd child in September and boy would I have loved this w/my previous 2. Already told the hubby I was making one this weekend.
ReplyDeleteQuick question...which humidifier do you recommend?
Great idea i will be making one for friends firs child
ReplyDeleteI have done something similar for years! WhatiI like to give to new moms as "the things you don't want to run out to the pharmacy @3am gift set" I love your tackle box idea, its awesome! Maybe my next gift will have a storage box like that. Kudos!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat list/idea! I am using Amazon to put a box together for my friend who is expecting her first baby in a couple months. I'm guessing this is one of those things new moms wouldn't think to put together, or have ready for those dreadful moments when your baby gets sick. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool idea. You could use this also for a 1st aid supply kit too.
We have been taking our own first actual vacation because baby two was born. The children will be four years as well as 12 months. I am definitely packaging a deal with box to become prepared whilst we're overseas. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI was able to do a search on Amazon, and found this exact brand of box. Search for: Creative Options 2 tray craft box. Thanks again for the great ideas. Now, I need to go by a couple of red wash clothes.
ReplyDeleteI created one of these for my son when he went to college. He (and his friends) LOVED it and used the stuff often. I included adult cold medicines, thermometer, aspirin, tylenol and aleve, antacids, the instant ice packs and heating pads, a sewing kit, bandaids, travel size of the basic toiletries and laundry soap, throat lozenges, vicks, tweezers, etc. They all referred to it as the MOM box because it was the stuff they would have gone to their moms for!