2015 Goals
Family Goals:
- Put together a will, power of attorney, and all the other documents we should already have.
- Keep the kitchen table cleaned off and eat dinner there (novel idea, right?)
- Make time to play after dinner before the kids go to bed.
- Save up to go to Disney World in the fall.
Home Goals:
- Keep a constant donation box to cut down on clutter.
- Participate in a spring and fall consignment sale to cut down on extra kid stuff.
- Make a cleaning schedule and keep to it!
- Plant a garden in the summer.
- Meal plan and shop on Sundays for the rest of the week.
Financial Goals:
- Meet with a financial advisor to discuss our savings and retirement.
Pay off the van by December 31st, 2015.(2.28.15)- End the year with no consumer debt.
- Save at least $3,000 on groceries with coupons and sales.
My Goals:
- Lose 25 lbs.
Run a half marathon in under 2:25(3.21.15)Make it to 500 blog followers/FB fans(1.15.15)- Read three books
- Make quilts for Charlie and Ginny
- Update Charlie's and make Ginny's scrapbooks
- Complete the Insanity work out program.
- Lose 20 lbs.
Goals for Charlie:
- Learn to ride a bike.
Goals for Ginny:
- Potty training!
- Open a savings account.
- Learn to get dressed all by herself.
Grrr. I wanted to check out your list to see if I was missing anything on mine! lol :)