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Monday, June 24, 2013

First Child Syndrome

Maybe it's because I'm also the oldest sibling, but I've got a soft spot for Charlie and his new role as older sibling. As you can imagine its been hard to set aside one on one time for him and me with a new baby around. Everything we do together usually also involves Ginny. A few weeks ago, I ran across the room to help him pee on the potty with Ginny latched on, nursing! That was quite a sight.

One thing I'm particularly worried about is forgetting things. He's learning and doing so much right now and I don't want to let those cute, funny, and precocious things slip my busy, overloaded mind. I take fewer pictures, write less in his book, and blog less often. It's not that I've forgotten about Charlie, but in the midst of the increased crazy, I've lost my appreciation for all he brings to my life. I wish there was a way to bottle his fun spirit right now - I'm going to miss these things dearly when he's older. Things like...

How much he enjoys Ginny's toys - even if he's way too big for them.

 How he loves to help Daddy in the garden and asks daily to water the plants.

How a laundry basket and a tape measure turn into a boat and fishing rod, 
floating along on the vast living room floor sea.

How clothes are optional and stickers are the coolest things ever.

 How he provides musical accompaniment during shopping trips.

 How Mickey is his best friend.

And how joyful he is every single day.

I could never actually forget about my little guy, my first baby. I just hope to never forget the little things that can fall through the cracks of a busy day. Why does life move so fast? Why do kids grow so fast?


  1. I feel the exact same about forgetting the little moments with my first baby, too. My baby hasn't been sleeping the past few weeks and I've been stressed out and exhausted - it seems like I'm missing all the cute things my 2yo is doing. I guess it's just part of being a mom?

    1. There's no way to avoid it sometimes! When I'm feeling overwhelmed and tired, I try to laugh at the weird/funny things he does instead of rushing to the next thing! Toddlers really are good comic relief. :)
