Though the official start of summer was only a few days ago, living on an academic calendar means our summer started back in May. It also means that we're almost halfway through since "summer" ends in mid-August. All that being said, I'm back at work and the summer is flying by. Does the lack of posting make sense now?

Though its been busy and my time with the kids has been reduced, I am happy to be back at work. Don't get me wrong, I obviously adore my family and cherish every second with them, but I also really love my job and missed it quite a bit. I started out slow to help the transition - my first week, I worked three part time days, the next week I was back full time, but have been coming home for lunch everyday. One of my biggest fears was that my milk supply would tank when I went back to work, so being able to come home for lunch to nurse G has helped tremendously.
started pumping a few weeks ago in anticipation of going back to work and though I wasn't thrilled about pumping again, it was nice to have a buffer of milk in the freezer. My supply has always been on the high side, but there are worse problems to have. So far the whole working and pumping thing is going well, but I'm fully aware it could change at anytime. No reason to stress though - today my supply is good, G is nursing well, and that's all I can ask for.

Last week, C began going to a new daycare and he loves it! He and G will attend full time in August when J goes back to work. For now, however, he's going part time just to get out of the house and socialize. Plus, it means J can get some one on one bonding time with G.
Otherwise, G is happy and growing like a weed, C is doing great with the potty training and has been chattering up a storm, and J is applying to every teaching job he can get his hands on in hopes of getting a full time position somewhere for the fall. The weather is beautiful, our garden is growing, and life is good.
I'm hoping once I get back into the swing of things with work and being a full time working Mom, I can post more. There are so many posts I've started, but never finished due to lack of time. I love blogging, but sometimes it just falls to the back burner. Besides, if it weren't for my family, what would I write about? ;-)
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