Back to my three words: I serged stuff! This week I took a class at a local sewing shop and (finally) learned how to use my serger! Sergers often have a sad fate; they are bought by ambitious and excited aspiring seamstresses and spend their lives tucked away in a closet somewhere. Why? Because they are freakin' intimidating! I've had mine for almost 3 months now and haven't done a darn thing with it save for setting it up and staring at it fondly.
So, to all of you who have sergers stashed away in the closet gathering dust, pull them out, grab you instruction manual, and thread that puppy up! You won't be sorry you did.
I have such a long list of projects that I'm not sure what my first serger project will be, but as soon as the craziness of planning Charlie's birthday party subsides, I'll find something to make. :-D

Can you sum up your week in three words? Jenni from the Blog challenges bloggers to do just that every week. Fun, huh? Join in the fun! When you've written about your three words, hop around to other blogs participating in Y3W by clicking this lovely button!
Yay congrats on figuring out your complicated-looking machine!! :o) And good luck with your overwhelming to do list. Just THINK of the satisfaction you'll get crossing those items off!!! I LOVE that feeling lol