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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Teefer Time

Despite still running a low grade fever (between 99.0 - 100.2), Charlie is doing better today. He slept really well last his car seat. Normally, I wouldn't let him sleep in his car seat like that, but a sick baby can convince you to do anything. With Charlie in his car seat on the living room floor, I ended up on the couch...or should I say, couch-ette. We don't have a full size couch in our apartment, its more of a love seat. Its comfortable, but sleeping on it is nothing short of comical.

After a few 3 hour lengths of sleep, Charlie was in a much better mood (and so was I). When the doctor called to check up on Charlie this morning (isn't that nice of him?), his fever was down to 98.6 and he was resting fine. Throughout the day, he wavered between cranky and sleepy and no fever to a low grade fever. I gave him some Tylenol for the fever and it seemed to help.

Jeff quote of the day: "Its upsetting to me that Charlie's introduction to fruit flavors will be through Tylenol." He was dead serious. :-P

The whole day was a cycle of eating, crying, sleeping for 30 minutes, crying, eating, etc. Poor little guy is absolutely exhausted. Again, the Mommy light bulb went off. What could slight fever, irritability, not sleeping well, and drooling mean? Say it with me, Moms...teething! Seriously? The little peanut that looks like he's more like a month old instead of almost three, is teething already? While it would be considered early, its not out of the question and his symptoms match perfectly. Only time will tell if my little guy is getting his first chompers.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, wow! Can't wait to find out if he is teething or not! I've been the one under the weather in my house: sore throat and a dry cough. I just pray that Stella doesn't get sick!
