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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bringing a Toddler to the Dentist... quite possibly the only thing worse than actually going to the dentist yourself. Seriously. I admit, we should have started bringing Charlie to the dentist much earlier than 3 years old, but he is such an anxious mess around doctors, we waited. Apparently, we waited too long.

I thought it was going to be perfect - they talked about the dentist and brushing your teeth last week at daycare. They sang songs, pretended to brush their teeth, the whole nine. A few days ago, we started talking about going to the dentist and practicing saying "aaahhhhh." Unfortunately, I underestimated his hatred for having his mouth touched.

Well, he technically got his teeth checked, but that's about it. All 20 are there, he's got nice spaces between them, and he has no cavities. It took 20 minutes of coaxing and 3 people to hold him down to get to that point, but what can you do. We rescheduled for 6 months and maybe by some miracle he'll be more calm. To avoid this happening with Ginny, I also scheduled an appointment for her, but something tells me that even at 15 months old, she'll be significantly more cooperative!

Any secrets out there for getting kids to cooperate at the dentist? I hope this isn't a regular occurrence with this kid. He needs to take care of those teeth!

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