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Monday, December 2, 2013

Operation WANA

Two years ago, the blogger MODG started Operation WANA (We Are Not Assholes). It started here, with a heartfelt comment expressing true need amongst sarcastic comments on a sarcastic post. It started a movement of linking families in need with those who could give. Groceries, money for utilities, warm coats, used toys - nothing earth shattering, but things that meant worlds to the families needing it.

"WANA started as a way to put our guard down and just remember that we are all people who can help other people. It wasn’t as much about what we were giving but just about the fact that there are people out there who are good and who want to help. Strangers giving and accepting help from other strangers was the spirit of WANA. The spirit of WANA is not begging for a new ipad and complaining about someone else getting more help than you did." - MODG

This is the third year WANA is going on and the stories are pouring in. Single parents, laid off workers, medical bills piling up. If you are looking for a place to donate money or goods this season, consider this an internet based, nontraditional angel tree. Read the comments, find a family that speaks to you and start communicating.

Here's the link to WANA 3.0. Check it out and make someone's December merry!

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