LeapFrog My Own Story Time Pad
He got this toy for Christmas last year from Grandma, but didn't quite get the concept of pushing buttons yet. Now, its definitely a favorite and while he doesn't know exactly how to interact with it, he loves pressing the letter buttons and hearing Scout talk about letters and sounds. Its perfect for car rides and, as with all LeapFrog toys, has a wonderful sound level switch on the side.

My First Look and Find: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
This is hands down his favorite book. He points out the characters, talks to them, turns pages, and can literally be entertained for a good 40 minutes. I'm not even kidding. Its a huge book making it absolutely adorable when he reads it and its almost bigger than him. The look and find games have different levels of difficulty, ranging from identifying common characters to distinguishing between opposites, colors, and shapes, making it good for a few years of reading.

Little Tikes Tap A Tune Xylophone
This is another toy that we have had for a while, but has only recently broken onto the favorite toy scene. C loves anything music related and between this xylophone, the drum, and his ability to make anything into an air guitar, he is often found rocking out. He has a box of musical toys in his bedroom and sometimes you can hear him
Now, for an equally important section...
Favorite Mommy Weapon Against Toy Mess
You know when you have a ton of little toys in one room and try to carry them in awkward arm loads back to their home?
We bought C a mini utility bin from My 31 and it is PERFECT for collecting up toys and moving them from room to room. There is nothing "mini" about this bin (10"H x 8"W x 8"D) and it can fit quite a few board books, blocks, cars, etc. We got it embroidered with C's name (his is black with red lettering) and it travels from room to room in our house transporting mess back where it belongs.

Check out this week's Toddle Along Tuesday, co-hosted by Kami from The Momma Diaries, for more fun toddler toy favorites - I know I'll be on the hunt for ideas!
Reagan is a big fan of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! I'll have to locate that book!
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Would love for you to stop by and visit Raising Reagan and my online toddler toy stores!
Raising Reagan
We love that xylophone, too!