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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring is in the Air: Updated

Since we never really had a fall or winter, is it technically still considered spring? I feel like we cheated or something. Anyway, with the nice weather we have been having, J and I have started looking at our barren back patio and started having visions of a vegetable garden and flower beds. ::sigh:: The unfortunate part is that our patio is 100% concrete, which I hear isn't ideal for growing anything.

Currently, we have these darling (sarcasm) wooden barrel type potters, but between the horrible dirt in them and their state of disrepair, we are just going to toss them. Instead, we hope to build a few 2'x4' planter boxes that we can put around the edge of the patio where the sunlight spends most of its time. One for peppers and tomatoes, one for peas, one for flowers...sounds wonderful! Now to borrow some power tools and make a trip to Lowe's. Oh, and figure out how the hell to make stuff out of wood. Fabric? I got that. Wood? I haven't made something out of wood since 8th grade shop class and even then, I had a wealth of tools available to me.

This is basically what we're looking to make. Nothing too fancy. Just wood and nails and maybe a plastic liner to hold all of the dirt so we're not just pouring it on concrete.

It just doesn't look that hard, but then again those are famous last words if I ever heard them. We're going to Lowe's today to price out the wood, dirt, and other supplies. Hopefully, it doesn't end up being too expensive. This weekend we may hit up the reStore to look into extra or reclaimed wood since re-purposing is always better than buying new.

This is the first summer we have an outside space that is exclusively ours, so we're super excited to make it fabulous.

Definitely more to come on this project when we figure out what the heck is going on!

Update: We got a gardening plot in the community garden! We still plan to make the boxes for the patio, but will use them for flowers. We can instead plant our vegetables in our sunny 3.5' x 20' plot within close walking distance of our apartment. We are PUMPED!

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