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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Maslow's Hierarchy of Thankfulness

With Thanksgiving only a few days away, its impossible to not run through the laundry list of things I have to be thankful for. Its easy to spend the other 51 weeks of the year milling along and forget to stop and think - really think - about what you have and should not take for granted.

I've got a psychology background, so lets do this Maslow's Hierarchy style. 

I am thankful for each day. Yes, I'm not a morning person and this town tends to be rather rainy in the mornings, but you can't argue with the ability to jump out of bed and go about your life. I am thankful that I never have to wonder how I will get my next meal, how I'll stay warm, or where I'll sleep tonight. I'm thankful that we are all healthy and happy. These are things most likely to be taken for granted for sure.

I am thankful that J and I are gainfully employed, have benefits that cover our family, and a retirement plan to protect our future. We have a safe and secure home to protect us and people watching over us both of this plane and beyond.

I am thankful for the people in my life. I was blessed with siblings to grow up with and parents to teach me. I am now blessed with the most wonderful husband and son for which anyone could possibly ask. I am surrounded by friends who lift my spirit and let me vent and ask stupid questions. Daily. The love and support I receive from everyone around me is irreplaceable.

I am thankful for the courage, confidence, and pure will I have discovered in myself over the course of the last year. Being a mother has brought out pieces of me that I didn't even know existed. Who knew the tiniest of people could have the biggest impact.

I am thankful for all that has happened in my life to make me who I am. I am thankful for the little excerpts of my Mother that I see in my day to day being. I am thankful for the continued education I was privileged to receive. I am thankful for my creativity, positivity, and empathy.

Happy (early) Thanksgiving, everyone! <3

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