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Monday, October 18, 2010

DIY Fever!

Once again, my list of things I'd like to make for the baby has gotten super long and somehow I'm convinced I have a lot more time than I actually do. *looks at countdown ticker* Yup, time is flying by! The good news is that I've had the motivation/energy to make a few things lately. As any crafty person knows, however, its not about finishing the list - its about crossing things off faster than you can think up new projects!

Yesterday, the Joann Fabric's stars finally aligned and the item I wanted wasn't on some piddly 20% off sale and I had a 50% coupon I could actually use on it. Woo hoo! Have you ever noticed that? The more coupons that are out there for Michael's or Joann's, the more things are on sale rendering the coupons useless? Anyway, I was able to buy a "Nurture Nest" (aka a Boppy pillow, which sells for about $30) for $10 with my coupon. What's the difference between a Nurture Nest and a Boppy? Beats the heck outta  me. My faux Boppy also comes with a pattern to make covers, which is awesome since Boppy brand covers can run about $10-$15 each depending on how fancy they are. With snuggle flannel on sale for 60% off, I went to town! Here's the first (of several) pillow covers that I made.

Robots are gender neutral, right? Well, either way, I think its really freaking cute. I've also got fabric to make a cover that matches the crib bedding and a few other fun, soft patterns for my little angel to throw up and poop on. 
Up next on my list? Some more pillow covers, a growth chart, some taggy toys (if you're wondering what a taggy toy is, look here), Christmas stockings for Jeff, the baby, and me, burp cloths, and some outfits. Lets see how much I can get done in the next 7 weeks!

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